Saturday, August 31, 2013

August: Sink or Float science game

Unfortunately my phone was dead so no pictures of the game but we took a lemonade pitcher and filled it with water halfway and then we gathered stuff outside and around the house and then went on the porch and Z made her prediction (ooh vocab word) and I marked it down and then we watched (even Daddy helped!) to see if they would sink or float. Z loved it because she could splash the water and got to throw rocks in it. And then after that we played with the Daisy and Minnie cars on the porch until the bugs came out. Here is the prediction paper typed out.

Name Date
Object Prediction Sink Float
Football F x
Duck F x
Zebra F x
Car F x
Block F x
Pom Pom F x
Z spoon F x
Spoon S x
Kid Spatula F x
Big rock F x
Little rock F x
Medium rock F x
Leaf F x
Acorn S x

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